Search for tag: "program assessment"
Entering Plan Results, Findings, Actions and Outcome AnalysisThis Planning & Self-Study video entails how to enter results, findings, actions and how to analyze an outcome in an assessment plan year. This is a longer video but check out the chapter…
From Shannon Helfinstine
67 plays
Managing Measures in PSS (after starting an Assessment Plan Report)After selecting the Outcomes that the Organization will assess in the Plan (on previous video, Assessment Plan), the next step is to enter the Measures used to assess each Outcome. There are three…
From Shannon Helfinstine
26 plays
Assessment Reporting Process in PSS (after reviewing Mission Statement and Outcomes)After reviewing mission statements and learning outcomes in PSS, Leads are ready to begin the annual assessment reporting process in PSS. An academic year's assessment plan needs to be opened by…
From Shannon Helfinstine
30 plays
Editing and Revising Existing Outcomes PSSIf your program’s outcomes transferred from Taskstream, or this is a few years after PSS was implemented, review this video to edit an organization’s existing outcome set. Every Lead is…
From Shannon Helfinstine
17 plays
Creating New Outcome Set PSSReview this video if a program needs to create new learning (or success) outcomes for the assessment report plan in PSS. Learning Outcomes should match Program Learning Outcomes in the current Kent…
From Shannon Helfinstine
21 plays
Mission Statements in PSS Assessment ReportsHow to add new or edit an existing mission statement. Catalog descriptions can be used as mission statements. If mission statements transferred from Taskstream AMS, please make sure they are current.
From Shannon Helfinstine
18 plays
Intro to Planning & Self Study (PSS) Assessment PlatformHow to log in using Flashline, what a general user or "Lead" sees on the Home page and the annual report due date, September 30. Video created November 2023.
From Shannon Helfinstine
57 plays